Environmental History Resources


Oosthoek, Jan

"The environment is one of the most pressing concerns facing society in the 21st century. The environmental debate is hugely complex with cultural, social, economic, moral, political and scientific dimensions all interacting. Key to this debate is Environmental History which provides an valuable long-term perspective on environmental change. [..] The site presents topics as wide ranging as public health, conservation, preservation of nature, smoke abatement, municipal housekeeping, occupational disease, air pollution and water pollution, and generally the historical interaction between culture and nature. The emphasis of the site is on Europe, in particular the area around the North Sea basin but with a keen eye on linking this with the wider world. This is reflected in the range of articles, bibliographies and other material that this website has to offer."
Hosting / Distributor

University of Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle, UK <http://www.ncl.ac.uk/>




United Kingdom

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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